

Creatine is naturally made by our kidneys and liver. It is carried throughout the body in the blood and provides energy to your muscles. Your body makes most of the creatine you need, but it is also found in meat, poultry and fish. Creatine supplements have a much higher dose than what is found in foods. What does creatine do and how does it work? The effect of creatine appears gradually with regular use, as it tends to accumulate in the tissues of the body (primarily in the muscles). The main function of creatine is to provide the body with ... Read more

Protein powder

Protein powder is one of the most popular sports supplements for athletes and people who want to gain muscle mass. However, getting enough protein can easily be done by eating protein-rich foods. Extra protein from protein powders is rarely needed. Protein powders can be costly and do not have any benefits over a balanced diet. What is protein for? In most cases, it is used not only by athletes, but also by those who take care of their health and physically fit forms. Proper nutrition, exercise, balanced use of the required amount of protein powder are key to success. ... Read more

A Must Have Natural Weight Loss Supplement

When you consider the obesity statistics throughout the Western world, it is no wonder that people the world over are searching for the one ‘wonder pill’ that will help them eliminate fat, shed the unwanted pounds and bring back the vestiges of their lost youth. The diet industry and the infomercial people know this…which is why these industries are as big as they are. But the problem with the fad pills is that they don’t work. Routinely you will hear announcements from the Food and Drug Administration ordering some supplement off the market because of unhealthy side effects. So rather ... Read more