Given their composition, protein bars can be recommended for use only when you die of hunger, and you absolutely do not have any other food available. Using a similar product as a component of the diet for a set of muscles is too expensive (normal whey protein is cheaper), and for weight loss – it is meaningless.
Whatever beautiful words are written on the packaging of a protein bar (ranging from “52% protein” to “0% added sugar”) – often they are intended only for an inexperienced customer who never reads the composition of the product. By its caloric content, most protein and bars (exactly like cereal bars) differ little from ordinary chocolate.
Read the ingredients
A protein bar is nothing more than the usual high-calorie snack, carefully disguised as a “healthy product.” In reality, such bars are used on the shelf in the chemical laboratory, and not at all in the health food department. It is necessary to understand that such a product is the result of a very deep and serious processing of the original ingredients.
Moreover, the more protein and the less sugar in the composition of the protein bar, the more questions you should have to the list of dozens of synthetic components in its composition. Even if, in terms of calories and protein content, fat and carbohydrates, everything looks “normal”, it is worth resorting to such products in case of the most extreme need.